Friday, January 6, 2012

Gangstar Rio: City of Saints review

Gang star series acquired under the sandbox iOS-use a good following action games fans.  And the last of the series, Gang star Rio: City of Saints, not disappointed, easy to position itself as the best game of the party.

Although it is still not perfect, the game is a step specifies up overprotective towards his two predecessors.   The graphics are cleaner, the character system is more complete and total the world feels very lively.  The downside, the host remains low, the story is not the most exciting and save the clouds is not yet supported.  But those are things that you should be able to look past, in view of all the fun the rest of the game.

Gangstar Rio de gameplay and controls remains similar to the previous incarnations, which means it's a heck of a fun action game. In addition, it is a fleshy game with more than 60 missions thrown in a bunch of random events go to sandbox games, dozens of vehicles to run in (including helicopters and tanks) and tons of weapons. The addition of a new system of clothing based on experience and levels, which can improve certain characteristics (for example, what clothes do you more luck when it comes to looting of enemies) respect, is welcome, because it adds an additional level of incentives to promote effectively of your character.

The visuals are not yet on the same level as the best graphics in the iOS software, but it is a net improvement.  In addition, they have fixed many problems with the physical and building of the pop - ups, making the game feel much smoother.   If you have an iPhone-4, by the way, this thing loads and fast game (not sure of the older iPhones, although).

While I still really live up to its potential of waiting gangstar, am Rio gangstar is a clear step in the right direction.  It is a heck of a pleasure of the game, too, and is worth the price of $6.99.


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