Monday, March 22, 2010

The Dolphin Navigator: best browser on Android

Always in your default browser-based Webkit the Android? So, can really do you better, especially with the two Opera Mobile browser and dolphins are available on the platform. My browser of choice? Dolphin. Here's why.

If a mobile application, it is very nice and clean, which means that everything is easy to use.Many operation is intuitive, fast and quick responsiveness with page loading on functions, however, in the end, which is really awesome, Android browser to the next level.

Platform mobile or not, you really should not call themselves the Dolphin tabs.And browser is beautiful, both for the launch of new tabs and masking of existing (to preserve screen real estate) provides a business with a single clic.en in addition, there is a very good multi-touches zoom. Many long, with the gesture support key functions offers several ways to handle your web browsing.

I am personally not in large social networks, I understand that the here.Links implementation between sharing services is only an arm far back-and-as you move between applications that run on Android stock and bookmark pages is very easy to do, in particular because they are integrated with the Google Reader.Do you want to download videos from YouTube, Google Bookmarks?This browser has the default function.

From the browser inventory, browser hectori head and far above from the concurrence.juste side of the Opera is a call to close, but I don't follow with some dauphins.Utilisez navigation options and integration of RSS, I think it is a much better ajustement.4. 75noel2010-03-18 20: 11: 45Android, reviews applications are applicable


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