Monday, March 22, 2010

Opens the AHA added interest "radio stations" radio to your iPhone

Unlike the other radio application for the iPhone so that it is not really a single radio station playing music in the timesheet. What it does, however, is a new creative service of many web-based 'drive' services where you can listen to.

The best way to give an idea of what it does is the Facebook-central, which receives status in the audio in your friend updates that you can listen it.It is very useful, especially if you have a hankering to do some networks social while you drive on the occupé.Il road is in fact, the content you get usually with an open browser converted the radio stations, so you can just sit back and listen.

Since it is intended that you are driving, provides an interface user-friendly dashboard for four large icons, each with a different main window "" radio station represent a number limité.Cliquez on the instance you want to listen to and read. You can customize the drives are available, choosing a pool over 50 different channels.

There are many interesting drive here.For example, a number of popular podcasts is offered, including Fox News Radio, car Talk and this American life.Drive traffic driver determines near your current location, and reads the current status of traffic (including strengthening stains) for routes in the immediate vicinity.Also, there are several readers of Twitter, which is as updates of pre-approved feeds.Very useful for sporting events and celebrity gossip.

Music you want? there is no real radio, they have a my drive, allowing you to transfer songs read your own bibliothèque.Je would like to hook procedure preferred with various stations continuously, but it will do likewise.

Overall, this is where I found a single application with some new features for motorists who, more than pipes default music from their audio voiture.Le price possible station is even better: free.

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